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An air exchanger type product from Musty Basement Solution

NZdqmDX3PD | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

There are several air exchanger type products on the market. The one I am most familiar with is Musty Basement Solution, and happy to sing its praises.

A friend of mine raise a concern regarding if the machine pulls hot air out of the building thereby wasting heat. My question is, if that is true and if so how much heat is lost, and how would that loss compare (objectively) with the gains?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    This product seems to be a 208 cfm exhaust fan that draws 50 watts.

    Of course it takes energy to run (50 watts), and of course it removes conditioned air from your home (208 cubic feet per minute).

    All of the air exhausted by the fan must be replaced by an equivalent volume of outdoor air that leaks into the home through cracks in the thermal envelope. In the winter, that air is cold and needs to be heated.

  2. jklingel | | #2

    Here is a quote from a poster here. It explains how to calculate your losses, if you really want to know. "The average heating season temperature (Oct - Apr) for Madison WI is a little over 30°, and the HDDs are only 7500 . So the average delta-T is more like 35°.Secondly, the volumetric heat capacity of air is 0.0182 btu/cf·F°. Using the 7 month heating season I averaged above, the heat loss from ventilation at 25cfm continuous would be 210day x 24hrs/day x 60 min/hr x 25cfm x 35° x 0.0182 btu = 80,262 btu/year. (Robert Riversong)"

  3. NZdqmDX3PD | | #3

    What does 80,262 btu/year translate into dollars and cents?

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