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American Standard Vormax Toilet Flappers

Bruce_Davis | Posted in General Questions on

I have 4 American Standard Vormax one-piece toilets installed in new construction 5 years ago. Given their premium price, they don’t move solid waste quite as effectively as a basic toilet. Tech support has little to say about my excess reliance on a plunger. But, not my issue here for today.

The tank utilizes two silicone flappers. A package of 2 costs about $25. I’ve seen complaints in forums online about these flaps only lasting from a few months to a couple of years.  Recently, one toilet was leaking water from the the tank to the bowl.

I changed the flappers. The old ones look & feel like new, I can’t tell any difference. Guess I can thank my water softener. Nonetheless, the water is still leaking. I shut off the water supply. Checking the tank a few hours later, it was empty. So I’m losing anywhere from one to 3 gallons per hour. No water on floor.

Called tech support. They suggested the new flappers might be defective. I’m skeptical. Any thoughts? Thanks.

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  1. Bruce_Davis | | #1

    FYI, they sent me a new valve assembly under warranty. That fixed the problem. Part otherwise costs about $75 but does include the two flappers.

  2. gusfhb | | #2

    I am a Toto fan, they have like 3 flappers in total for every toilet they have made
    I wonder if there is something going on with either the flush mechanism or the drain.
    I have one that has a bit of an odd drain[turns a right angle immediately under the floor] and the button was not setup totally correct to begin with. Both mean that when you are dealing with solids you need to hold the button for a solid second to get it to clear.
    Modern low flush toilets they put a lot of effort into, they should flush.

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