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Aircycler demand based ventilation

ben87 | Posted in General Questions on

Does anyone have any experience with or thoughts about the Aircycler connect system? 

AirCycler CONNECT | AirCycler

I looked into air cycler in the past, as a way to do supply-based ventilation with your AHU blower. But looks like they now have an updated wifi controller and an indoor air quality sensor that measures co2, pm2.5, and voc’s, so you can ventilate based on indoor air quality measures.

The sensor is $278, and the controller is $231. I suspect ventilation needs could vary a lot in my house, so it seems like demand-controlled ventilation is a neat idea. Just not sure how reliable it is or what pitfalls I may be unaware of. I’m also in a warm enough location that ERV savings aren’t huge (zone 4a)

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