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Air sealing transition from exterior to interior

Hill_Builder | Posted in General Questions on

We are climate zone 5 with an unconditioned space above the house with zip walls and Siga Majrex on the ceiling.  We want continuity on air sealing from the zip wall to the Siga majrex on the ceiling by draping and taping a 16” strip of Siga between the top plate.  Our contractor says not necessary.  We are on a windy hill, but he will do it if we want.  We are not trying to do a net zero house, but are trying to seal it up as much as possible.  Should we compromise this part or not?

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  1. Expert Member

    Hill Builder,

    You need a continuous air-barrier. How is your builder suggesting you achieve that?

    You may find this recent discussui0n useful:

  2. Hill_Builder | | #2

    He said our house is going to be super tight and to not to worry about it. Then when we said we really wanted to drape the Siga strip, he said would just lay it up against the back side of the drywall and that would work. He questioned that we are putting an inside product (Siga) outside when we tape it to the Zip sheathing. He continued with the fact we are over thinking it and then added he was not sure the framers will any of this. We are to meet up with him this week and in the mean time trying to find the least amount of work for him to get a continuous air barrier that works for us.

    Thank you for the link, we will read over it to see if there are any ideas there.

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