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Air ionizers

LuisAlbanes | Posted in General Questions on

Hello how effective are air ionizers to disinfect ambience air? for homes or offices

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  1. Yupster | | #1

    Air ionizers produce ozone as a byproduct. Ozone is harmful to your health at even VERY low concentrations. The benefits of air ionizers are questionable at best anyway. Air ionizers should not be used.

  2. Expert Member
    BILL WICHERS | | #2

    Ozone is the stuff that has the electric arc smell. It’s a VERY aggressive oxidizer which is how it disinfects (kills) stuff. I wouldn’t intentionally introduce it into a living space.

    If you’re concerned with particulates in the air (which includes biological contaminants like virus particles and the like), I’d use full-time HEPA filtration.


  3. LuisAlbanes | | #3

    Thank you very much friends, I ee it happens as with UVC if the glass is not certified for not emiting Ozone. Very useful answers tks

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