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sunrisehomestead | Posted in General Questions on

Can anyone point me to a detail in the detail library that would show some options for strapping to create an airgap and lower/upper venting+bugscreen ideas? 

Spec’ing a build with reverse board and batten siding and want to create the most cost effective airgap behind the siding and a nice sturdy top and bottom vent/bugscreen system that is WUI compliant (California wildfire area).

I was thinking vertical 1×4 screwed into studs, then horizontal 1×4 strapping, then battens, then boards. Maybe simplified to just go horizontal coravent strips ontop of WRB, then straight to battens (fastened every 12-16″?) then boards ontop fastened both sides every 12-16″.

Or could we get away with applying the battens directly to the building and then boards ontop? the battens wouldn’t get airflow behind them in this case. 

I’m sure its been drawn but can anyone point me to some details in the library that might help?

Trying to wrap my head around the options



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  1. Ry_Buc | | #1

    Hi Nick,

    Given the post date you have probably completed this project. Anyway, if you see this, curious how you handled the ventilation + bug screen at the top and bottom of the wall?

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