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AI Design Software: Midjourney App

rockies63 | Posted in General Questions on

In a follow-up to a question I posted previously about Architecture and AI, I found this video from 30 x 40 Design Workshop on Youtube about a design app called Midjourney.

30 x 40 Video

Midjourney site

Has anyone used this program, and if so, how did it work out for you?

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  1. NathanMichaelson | | #1

    thanks a lot for information, thats might help me

  2. Uiloco | | #2

    I gave Midjourney a shot a while back after hearing some buzz about it. The interface was pretty intuitive and streamlined, and I appreciated how it integrated some AI-driven design elements, which made the whole process smoother. I did, however, notice a small learning curve, but nothing too steep, it's just basic prompt learning you need to know. Once you get a grip on it, things flow well.

  3. Kolpolett | | #3

    Thanks for sharing the information about the Midjourney app! AI is making significant inroads into the field of architecture and design, and it's exciting to see how technology is shaping these industries.
    The Midjourney app sounds like a promising tool that combines AI with design, offering new possibilities for architects and designers. Exploring such AI-driven applications can lead to innovative approaches in your work.
    Speaking of AI, there are also , which can assist in various business-related tasks, from generating content to analyzing data. It's fascinating to witness how AI is transforming not only design but also various aspects of our professional lives, making tasks more efficient and creative.

  4. Izzza | | #4

    Yes, Midjourney and AI in general is incredible. There is also Twinmotion which integrates with Revit I believe for quick rendering.

    1. Expert Member
      Michael Maines | | #8

      "Selling" a design to a client is a tiny part of a designer or architect's job. Our job is to translate your dreams and solve your problems into a design and then translate that design so it's buildable by contractors. Renderings of all sorts can help with that communication but that's maybe 5% of a designer's job at most.

      1. Expert Member
        DCcontrarian | | #11

        I once fired an architect because all he wanted to do was sell his designs -- balsa models, 3D walkthroughs with Oculus Rift, the whole shebang. Rather than listen to what the client wanted he was convinced that once the client saw the brilliance of his designs the client would change their mind.

        1. Izzza | | #14

          Haha ok, yes.

          If a designer can’t prove they are translating dreams and solving problems they better be able to sell their vision if they want to convince a client.

          This is just something that is so easy to do. If you’re already designing a great house, why not provide nice renderings for minimal effort and get your clients excited about it and show off the work?

        2. Expert Member
          Michael Maines | | #16

          DC, ah yes, the Howard Roark architect archtype. They definitely exist, and some of them are talented enough to become "starchitects." Most residential architects and designers are not like that, in my experience.

  5. canada_deck | | #5

    MJ in isolation is interesting for some brainstorming but I don't think it will be a gamechanger in this industry. However, I do think that other generative AI tools will have a fairly significant impact. For example, the ability to upload a blueprint and then look at hundreds of different color/material options at the click of a button. Or the ability to generate blueprints based off a plain English description of what is desired.
    See attachment for an MJ rendering for the prompt:
    "architectural rendering of a modern farmhouse on a hill in the pacific northwest --ar 16:9 --s 1000 --c 15"

    1. Izzza | | #6

      Eventually much of the work will be outsourced to AI. And AI won’t actually replace architects but 10% of architects using AI will replace the other 90% of architects. However this will impact all knowledge workers so it is not just architects that will be culled.

      Learn to use it or it will learn to use you.

      1. Expert Member
        Michael Maines | | #7

        Be careful with your hate for architects and designers. Your single bad experience does not mean that everyones' experience will be similar.

        1. Izzza | | #12

          True, I retract my statement. As a designer, I don’t hate designers. I just hate bad designers.

          I went into it thinking that human centred design principles were taught in architecture school and also thinking that construction would somehow be as efficient and productive as software. To say I have been disappointed would be an understatement.

          The stats about construction being the only industry with long-term declining productivity make sense now. It is complicated but wow is it infuriating. Building a custom home it is abundantly clear that this is not feasible for 99.99% of the population and much needs to be done for modular, prefab and standardized construction.

          Anyway, yes DC! If only people on site were using iPads with 3D models instead of looking at paper drawings that are potentially an outdated version if they even look at it at all. AI could certainly reduce monotony. I think it could be good for calculating and optimizing order quantities for supplies.

          1. Expert Member
            DCcontrarian | | #15

            Productivity of US construction workers has actually dropped over the past 50 years.


      2. Expert Member
        DCcontrarian | | #10

        What will really be a gamechanger is plans that are so detailed that people on site actually follow them rather than using their best judgment.

        AI could really help with that by making it much less labor-intensive to draw up plans that show every wire, every pipe, every screw and every nail. And then making up a materials list.

    2. freyr_design | | #9

      none of those look like farmhouses to me.....

      1. Izzza | | #13

        Someone needs to teach the poor AI system what a farmhouse is. Where AI differs from most, not all, humans is that it never stops learning. And it learns pretty damned fast. So once it fully understands architectural history, what defines farmhouse vernacular, etc - it won’t forget that and you can bet it is going to spit out farmhouses that look more like farmhouses.

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