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Adding smart MemBrain to assembly

Mill_house | Posted in General Questions on

3 inch EPS rigid board was installed on the attic side of the kneewalls.  Roxul mineral wood was installed in the 2×4 stud bays.  Is there any harm (condensation issues etc) running smart MemBrain over the kneewall wall prior to installing drywall?  Thanks
Climate zone 7.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    Q. "Is there any harm (condensation issues etc) running smart MemBrain over the kneewall wall prior to installing drywall?"

    A. No, there is no harm. But MemBrain is unnecessary in that location. All you need is to pay attention to airtightness. The drywall can be used as your air barrier.

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