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Add External Continuous Insulation

cletus_cassidy | Posted in General Questions on

I have a one-year old home in Climate Zone 5A with “flash and batt” insulation in the exterior walls. My framing is 2×6, specifically (from outside to inside): vinyl siding, vapor barrier (Kimberly Clark), 2 inches of closed cell foam, R-11 fiberglass batts. I’m not a builder so it’s possible I missed something on the outside.

I’d like to add exterior continuous insulation in the future to increase the R-value of my exterior walls and reduce the thermal bridging through the studs, but also keep my existing insulation inside. My goal would be to add as much R-Value as possible (e.g. 1.5-2 inches of foam board, Zip-R, etc.). At the same time, I would likely look to upgrade at least some of my double-paned windows to triple pane.

What are my options with the exterior insulation? What do I need to consider to avoid condensation issues etc. from my existing construction? Thanks in advance for your guidance!

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  1. Expert Member
    Michael Maines | | #1

    Randy Williams recently posted a good two-part series that should answer most of your questions:

  2. cletus_cassidy | | #2

    Thanks. Will review.

  3. Expert Member
    Joshua Salinger | | #3

    You will want to use a vapor permeable insulation material. You don't want to trap moisture between two Class 1/low Class 2 vapor retarders. I would go with a wood fiber, mineral wool or cork.

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