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ADA with Kraft-faced batts

KevinEJ | Posted in General Questions on
I know they aren’t recommended here, but I have enough R21 kraft-faced fiberglass batts on hand for my project’s walls.
If these batts are face-stapled to studs, is the Airtight Drywall Approach still possible?
Is the sealant/adhesive able to make a proper seal if kraft paper is part of the drywall-stud connection?
How about gaskets? Would they be a better choice here?
Whether I have the option to use sealant for this project or not, I’d also like to know:
Since Tremco acoustical sealant remains flexible, does remodeling a wall sealed with “black death” come easier than if a hardened Adhesive was used? (There must be empirical evidence by now). Anytime I’ve seen Drywall Adhesive mentioned outside the Building Science community, drywallers are commenting “No way would I ever use adhesive”, “Have fun with cracking as the building moves”, and “Good luck ever getting that wall back apart”, etc. Anyone have experience remodeling these glued up walls? Major PITA? Or just silly internet troll logic?
Enjoying the new web design.
5B-Central Oregon

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    If you are using the airtight drywall approach, you don't want any kraft facing on the edges of the studs (that is, the side of the studs measuring 1.5 inch wide). If you have already purchased kraft-faced batts, you have two choices: remove the kraft facing before installing the batts, or use the inset-stapling method (placing the flanges on the side of the studs measuring 5.5 inches).

    For more information on the airtight drywall approach, see "Airtight Drywall."

    Remodeling a wall that has been put together with Tremco acoustical sealant is unlikely to be any more pleasant than remodeling a wall that has been put together with adhesive. Either type of goo makes things complicated and unpleasant to take apart.

    Gaskets are an excellent way to seal seams when using the airtight drywall approach. Their main disadvantage is their relatively high cost.

  2. KevinEJ | | #2

    Thanks again for the answers, Martin.

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