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ADA and drywall returns

BambamYT | Posted in Energy Efficiency and Durability on

Hey folks,

I am building a house under the airtight drywall approach and I was going to apply the gaskets around the rough openings and top/bottom plates. The windows are drywall returns with a wood sill. I’m just thinking: wouldn’t it be better and simpler to forgo the gasket everywhere I have drywall returns and caulks the drywall where it meets the window instead? There would be some caulking involved around the window sill, too.

I’m 90% sure it makes sense, but I’d love to have your blessing before so change my plans. This is my first time using drywall as an air and vapor barrier.


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  1. Expert Member
    BILL WICHERS | | #1

    I don't really see a problem using caulk in some places instead of gaskets. I would just make sure to use a caulk that stays pretty stretchy and is reliable over the long term. I usually use polyurethane sealants for this kind of thing, but something like "Big Stretch" caulk would probably work too. You want the stretchiness to help avoid seal failure when the different materials expand and contract with temperature changes.


    1. BambamYT | | #2

      Thanks a bunch Bill, I'll go with caulk and use a flexible caulking.


  2. Malcolm_Taylor | | #3


    Are you sure you want to see caulking around the window? Part of the appeal of drywall returns is the crispness of the joint.

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