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A-frame construction details

dannyjohnson | Posted in General Questions on

Are there any resources for A frame construction details? Planning a new build in zone 5. I have a footprint, but no direction on roof framing construction, materials or insulation.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    User 704etc.,
    First, can you tell us your name?

    Yes, there are books and web sites that tell you how to build an A-frame. Here is a link to an online resource excerpted from a book you can buy: "How to Build an A-Frame."

    That said, if these construction details are new to you, you might want to consult an engineer or a general contractor for help.

    If you are looking for details on insulating the roof of an A-frame, follow the advice in this article: "How to Build an Insulated Cathedral Ceiling."

  2. dannyjohnson | | #2

    Thanks for your reply, Martin.

    My name is Danny Johnson. I’ll try to update my profile to display that.

    I’m a residential remodeler. I have a rough floor plan drawn up by a draftsman. Construction details in general aren’t new to me, I have yet to find any current details regarding a frame construction. An online search makes it appear as though one hasn’t been built since the 70’s.

    I’ve chatted about it with an engineer, a couple architects, a truss designer, etc. Lots of different ideas (lvl’s, sips, i-joists, etc.)

    I was hoping someone had a recent build that would be simple structurally, allow for robust insulation and easy air sealing.

    I did read the article on the insulated cathedral ceiling. The roof would be a straight shot from eave to ridge and I was planning on a site build baffle below the sheathing.

    My main question was what type of framing member to use for the wall / roof and loft floor.

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