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A couple of quick questions . . .

Miles007 | Posted in General Questions on

If anyone can answer the questions on this thread, it would be greatly appreciated.
Malcolm Taylor?
Martin Holladay?
Justin Fink?
Michael Maines?
Dana Dorsett?


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  1. Expert Member
    Michael Maines | | #1

    Hi Miles, you linked to Josh Salinger's article, not a thread. Josh participates here occasionally as well. It would be easiest if you could repost your questions here, and change the title to something like, "questions about concrete-free slabs," or whatever the topic is.

    1. Miles007 | | #2

      Hi Michael,
      Thanks for catching that. What a rookie mistake on my part. ;--)

      I fixed the link, above. I originally posted the questions on Monday, 11/14.


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