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20 minute fire door for passive house?

user-5538665 | Posted in PassivHaus on

Does anyone know of a 20 minute fire door that meets passive house standards?


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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #1

    First of all, most U.S. builders who are trying to meet either the European Passivhaus standard or the PHIUS standard don't bother to buy a certified door. Passivhaus-certified doors have to be imported from Europe, and they are quite expensive. Most U.S. builders just choose a U.S.-made door -- they are still able to meet the Passivhaus standard or the PHIUS standard without a Passivhaus-certified door.

    20-minute doors aren't that unusual -- they are the least stringent fire-rated door, and therefore less expensive than a 45-minute door, a 60-minute door, a 90-minute door, or a 180-minute door.

  2. user-5538665 | | #2

    Do you know of specific 20 minute door manufacturers / models that meet the standard that are from the U.S. ?

  3. thomashaebler | | #3

    Hello Drew,

    I am having the exact same issue on my project. Did you end up finding a door supplier that has a 20 min Fire Rated door, with a Udoor = 0.67?

    Any help would be much appreciated.

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