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Green Homes- Page 7 of 11

  • Green Homes

    Greening the HOME Rochester Program

    How HOME Rochester works The HOME Rochester Program acquires vacant single-family homes in Rochester NY, typically foreclosures, and rehabilitates them for resale to qualifying first-time homebuyers earning less than 80%…

  • Green Homes

    Atlanta Historic Retrofit

    Honoring an amazing 100-year context

  • Green Homes

    A Green Bath Retrofit: From Structure to Finish

    Our second-floor, 50-square-foot full bathroom provides the only bathing in this 100-year-old house, so we had to make it work. We wanted to make the room feel bigger and deal…

  • Green Homes

    From ‘Tea House’ to Tight House

    By Doug Snyder In 2008, contractor Dwight Holmes went to work with homeowner Mary Sargent on a deep energy retrofit of her 1917 “Tea House.” Nestled into a hillside apple…

  • Green Homes

    A Net-Zero Townhouse in Oakland

    Not many projects achieve HERS 0, especially on a small urban infill site. But that's the score achieved by the Lancaster Live/Work Townhome, a recently completed (Fall 2009) project in…

  • Green Homes

    A Fast Kitchen Addition Made With SIPs

    Old houses didn't need big kitchens because they weren't the central gathering spot that today's kitchens are. The 12-ft. by 12-ft. kitchen in the house my wife, Chris, and I…

  • Green Homes

    Foam Forms Create an Energy-Efficient Concrete House

    By Rouleen Williams My plans to build a dream home took years to bear fruit. I took the first step in 1988, when I bought an 18-acre property in Salisbury,…

  • Green Homes

    This Green Garage is a Powerhouse

    By Thomas McGrath With help from a photovoltaic (PV) array, this garage in Chicago’s Bucktown neighborhood produces far more energy than it consumes. Made from durable green materials, the garage…

  • Green Homes

    NC Home Grabs Five Green Ratings

    UPDATED 2/23/2011 with floor plans, details, and an energy use graph Although I’ve been building green homes for 30 years, I joined the certification game only five years ago. I’ve…

  • Green Homes

    Green Backyard Office: Repurposing a Century-Old Garage

    When we purchased our circa-1896 farmhouse in 1994, one of the main attractions was the old garage. We quickly replaced its failing asphalt roof with new cedar shingles in 1995,…