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Green Homes- Page 6 of 11

  • Green Homes

    Energy-Efficient Straw-bale Home in the Colorado Rockies

    By Doug Graybeal Our house is located outside of Carbondale, Colo., at an altitude of 7,000 feet. The architecture is both responsive to the climate — a dry mountain environment…

  • Green Homes

    Owner-Builders Get a Tight Shell With SIPs

    By David and Cathy Glasser To see a video tour of this home, click here. Acting as general contractors, my wife Cathy (a nurse practitioner) and I (a jazz musician)…

  • Green Homes

    Careful Air Sealing Trims Energy Use at New College Dorms

    By Hal Bohner In the cold climate of coastal Maine, effective air sealing is critical to maximizing energy efficiency. The architect for the project, Bruce Coldham, said, “We have tried…

  • Green Homes

    A True Net-Zero Gut Rehab, New England-Style

    By Peter Yost and Martin Holladay Before retrofit work began, Jane Bindley's 1978 ranch house on the shore of Squam Lake was an ordinary fiberglass-insulated energy hog. Bindley had a…

  • Green Homes

    California Retrofit Measures Cut Energy Use by 45%

    With help from the local utility, a California builder has turned a foreclosed property into a cutting-edge energy-efficient demonstration home. The Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), the sixth-largest public utility…

  • Green Homes

    Easy LEED Platinum?

    “It was easier than I thought,” says Amy Levin when first asked about her LEED for Homes Platinum gut rehab. This would not be the last time my jaw would…

  • Green Homes

    A Two-Phased LEED for Homes Gut Rehab

    Don’t all major home renovations span decades? Jim Newman and Sarah Slaughter bought a rather pedestrian Cambridge home in 1996 and began full renovation in 2001, recently completing the metamorphosis…

  • Green Homes

    A 100-Year-Old Energy Star Home

    Anders Lewendal likes to lead — he is president of his local homebuilder’s association and chairs its green building committee, sits on the Mayor’s Climate Control Task Force, and has…

  • Green Homes

    The Fruits of Labor: Gut-Rehabbing the Structure and the Lot

    When Dan Cote bought this run-down property on Woodstock Avenue in Portland, he wanted to take everything he had learned about high-performance building and building science from his day job…

  • Green Homes

    Brand New Appearance and Performance for An Older Duplex

    By Cador Price-Jones There are 120 million homes in America, and we need to figure out how to retrofit them for the new reality that we live in. We cannot…