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Green Homes- Page 3 of 11

  • Green Homes

    Proof of Concept

    Only the second Living Building Challenge−certified home, Burh Becc at Beacon Springs Farm is a study in regenerative design

  • Green Homes

    A Look at Low Carbon Homes

    Brian Hayes and Michael Maines are among a small number of building pioneers who are beginning to consider embodied carbon in their projects

  • Green Homes

    A Prefab Passive House in Michigan

    This single-family home, nicknamed the “A-Haus,” is the first house in Michigan to be certified by the Passive House Institute U.S. (PHIUS). The striking building is situated on nearly three…

  • Green Homes

    A Pretty Good House in Southern California

    A few years into the housing bust, I started shopping around for a cabin to use as a getaway and vacation rental. I live in San Diego and I set…

  • Green Homes

    Making an Old Tract House Sunnier and More Efficient

    In 1983, the Heron was one of five cookie-cutter models offered in Bay Country, a tract housing development in a suburb of Baltimore, Maryland. Perhaps a little ahead of its…

  • Green Homes

    Large Connecticut Home is ‘Zero-Energy-Ready’

    Builder Mark Nuzzolo of Brookside Development has energy savings all sewn up at his new development, Singer Village in Derby, Connecticut. The high-performance homes are located on land surrounding the…

  • Green Homes

    Denver Developer Focuses on Zero-Energy Homes

    A Denver-area developer, New Town Builders, is aiming to make all of its new homes zero-energy-ready by the end of 2015. “Our goal is to be 100% U.S. Department of…

  • Green Homes

    Modern Dream Home is Energy-Positive

    A Seattle couple spent two years searching for their dream home before deciding to build a new custom home. They turned to zero-energy-home builder Ted Clifton, Jr., who built them…

  • Green Homes

    New California Home Meets the Passivhaus Standard

    This energy-efficient house in San Jose, California, not only produces enough solar electricity to meet its annual energy needs, it also complies with the stringent Passivhaus standard. The design-build team…

  • Green Homes

    High-End Green in the Hamptons

    By Richard Stott The Hamptons are flush with poorly built, energy hog spec homes on an acre or two. Many of these homes have huge lawns, pools, tennis courts, and…