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Green Homes- Page 3 of 11

  • Green Homes

    Building Against the Grain

    The first net-zero development in Selah, Washington, is a study in compromise—between one team’s vision and the home-buying market at hand

  • Green Homes

    Proof of Concept

    Only the second Living Building Challenge−certified home, Burh Becc at Beacon Springs Farm is a study in regenerative design

  • Green Homes

    A Look at Low Carbon Homes

    Brian Hayes and Michael Maines are among a small number of building pioneers who are beginning to consider embodied carbon in their projects

  • Green Homes

    A Prefab Passive House in Michigan

    This single-family home, nicknamed the “A-Haus,” is the first house in Michigan to be certified by the Passive House Institute U.S. (PHIUS). The striking building is situated on nearly three…

  • Green Homes

    A Pretty Good House in Southern California

    A few years into the housing bust, I started shopping around for a cabin to use as a getaway and vacation rental. I live in San Diego and I set…

  • Green Homes

    Making an Old Tract House Sunnier and More Efficient

    In 1983, the Heron was one of five cookie-cutter models offered in Bay Country, a tract housing development in a suburb of Baltimore, Maryland. Perhaps a little ahead of its…

  • Green Homes

    Large Connecticut Home is ‘Zero-Energy-Ready’

    Builder Mark Nuzzolo of Brookside Development has energy savings all sewn up at his new development, Singer Village in Derby, Connecticut. The high-performance homes are located on land surrounding the…

  • Green Homes

    Denver Developer Focuses on Zero-Energy Homes

    A Denver-area developer, New Town Builders, is aiming to make all of its new homes zero-energy-ready by the end of 2015. “Our goal is to be 100% U.S. Department of…

  • Green Homes

    Modern Dream Home is Energy-Positive

    A Seattle couple spent two years searching for their dream home before deciding to build a new custom home. They turned to zero-energy-home builder Ted Clifton, Jr., who built them…

  • Green Homes

    New California Home Meets the Passivhaus Standard

    This energy-efficient house in San Jose, California, not only produces enough solar electricity to meet its annual energy needs, it also complies with the stringent Passivhaus standard. The design-build team…