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Green Homes- Page 11 of 11

  • Green Homes

    1970s Home Goes Net Zero

    Intensive renovation has made this modest ranch house in the suburbs of Boulder, Colorado, an example of what all green builders strive for — a net zero energy home. Changes…

  • Green Homes

    Green Neighborhood in North Carolina

    #Twenty-two homes in a cluster made for walking Eno Commons takes the idea of green homebuilding to another level — the community level. The Durham, North Carolina, project includes 22…

  • Green Homes

    LEED-Platinum House in a Warm Climate

    This striking contemporary home is a model of sustainability on a budgetThis north-Texas contemporary home earned the third-ever LEED for Homes Platinum certification — but it could possibly share the…

  • Green Homes

    Timber-Frame House is LEED-Platinum and NAHB-Gold

    #Alternative Energy and a Tight Envelope Earn High Marks Bob Burnside's home is also the headquarters and showcase house for his company, Fireside Home Construction. The custom timber-frame house received…

  • Green Homes

    Super Energy-Efficient Home in Vermont

    #Modest House Built to Scandinavian Green Standards This modest home may not seem out of the ordinary, but energy efficiency specialist Efficiency Vermont calls it extraordinary — "Best of the…

  • Green Homes

    New, Affordable, and Green in a Historic Neighborhood

    #A Local Organization Builds Practical Homes That Fit in with Others Nearby Over the past two years, this group of affordable two-family homes in Blacksburg, Virginia, won numerous green building…

  • Green Homes

    A Modest New House Proves Green Doesn’t Mean Expensive

    #Typical Looking, Uncommonly Efficient and Healthy This rather typical-looking single-story ranch house is very uncommon in a lot of ways. It's super energy-efficient, it has superior indoor air quality compared…

  • Green Homes

    Luxury Home Earns Gold NAHB Energy Value Housing Award

    #Students' Academic Pursuits Provide Real-World Results This luxury house won an NAHB Energy Value Housing Award (Gold) while also complying with several sets of standards including LEED, Environments for Living,…