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Green Homes- Page 10 of 11

  • Green Homes

    Sunroom Addition in Rhode Island

    The goal was to raise sustainability but not costs The owners of this traditional Rhode Island home wanted to better express their eclectic taste when upgrading their cramped porch to…

  • Green Homes

    Straw-Bale Home in the Minnesota Woods

    #Like an old fashioned barn-raising, this home was built with many hands# Built before LEED and most green guideline programs existed, this largely straw-bale house in Minnesota established new building…

  • Green Homes

    Connecticut’s First LEED Gold Home

    #An Efficient Design and a Carefully Detailed Envelope Add up to Big Energy Savings Craftsman bungalows are celebrated for being comfortable, practical and carefully crafted from local natural materials. This…

  • Green Homes

    Weatherization: Low-Cost, High-Return Energy Upgrades

    Each year, Northeast Iowa Community Action Corporation (NEICAC) uses state funding to weatherize about 100 homes. On this 100-year-old two-story home, and others like it, weatherization crews have performed a…

  • Green Homes

    Passive House Methods Help Build for the Future

    #Energy Modeling and Integrated Design are Keys to Getting the Most Out of a Home# When Curt and Melissa hired Wagner Zaun Architecture to design a new home for their…

  • Green Homes

    Retreat in North Atlantic Seeks Energy Independence

    #A Study in the Efficient Use of Natural Resources Perched on a coastal peninsula near Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, this contemporary home is used mostly as a summer residence, but with…

  • Green Homes

    A Durable Deck Ties This Home to the Landscape

    The large, wraparound deck not only creates a nice bridge between the house and back yard, it helps balance the entire house on the property. The eastern exposure is elevated…

  • Green Homes

    Craftsmanship and Recycling in a Tudor Renovation

    The airy, light-filled renovation of this 1930s stucco Spanish Tudor house in Georgetown, Massachusetts, is packed with eco-friendly features even though no green certification program was enlisted. A new bay,…

  • Green Homes

    1970s Home Goes Net Zero

    Intensive renovation has made this modest ranch house in the suburbs of Boulder, Colorado, an example of what all green builders strive for — a net zero energy home. Changes…

  • Green Homes

    Green Neighborhood in North Carolina

    #Twenty-two homes in a cluster made for walking Eno Commons takes the idea of green homebuilding to another level — the community level. The Durham, North Carolina, project includes 22…