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Green Basics

BuildingEnergy 2014: Stump the Energy Nerd, Part 1

Stump the Energy Nerd: In his presentation at NESEA's Building Energy 14 conference, Martin Holladay combined entertainment with education

Produced by Dariusz Kanarek

Recorded at the demonstration stage at NESEA’s Building Energy 14 conference in Boston on March 5, 2014, Martin Holladay answers questions from the audience at an event called “Stump the Energy Nerd.”

Martin responds to questions about:

  • solar thermal systems,
  • PV systems,
  • net-metering contracts,
  • insulating old buildings with load-bearing brick walls,
  • insulating old buildings with clapboard siding,
  • the cost to build low-energy buildings,
  • condensation in double-stud walls, and
  • window replacement.


How To Do Everything


  1. ErgoDesk | | #1

    We all know that OSB s not a good choice, it's a cheap choice. In western Canada we know that OSB on northern exposure walls may not last very long, and maybe a bit longer on other exposures. But if you don't value money health, and time, ignore what I just said.

    On the Windows quality, its the glass sealed units that I see failing the most. Fiber Glass and Aluminum frames can last the longest without much maintenance. If you need to paint a quality Acrylic pain will last the longest, often after 20 years they look brand new.

  2. oberon476 | | #2

    Thanks for sharing,


    Thanks for sharing, that was fun and informative.

    Do you ever travel to the northern middle part of the country for these types of Q&A?

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #3

    Response to Greg Smith
    I'm glad that you found that the video was fun. Here is a link to one of the sessions from last year: Stump the Energy Nerd 2013, Part 1.

    Q. "Do you ever travel to the northern middle part of the country for these types of Q&A?"

    A. I am occasionally invited to speak at conferences related to green construction or energy efficiency. When my schedule permits, I accept such invitations -- usually two or three times a year.

  4. oberon476 | | #4

    Thanks Martin.

    Would there be anyway to find out if you are going to be in the local area ahead of time?

  5. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #5

    Response to Greg Smith
    I have no plans at this time to visit the Midwest. My next public speaking engagement is scheduled for Friday April 25, 2014, in Montreal, Quebec. I will be speaking in French.

    In most cases, my speaking engagements are announced ahead of time on GBA (either in a news story or as a post on the Q&A pages). So if you read GBA regularly, you should hear about these events.

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  • Green Basics

    Stump the Energy Nerd 2014, Part 2

    On Day 2 of NESEA's Building Energy 14 conference, Martin Holladay returned to the trade show stage for a second round of Stump the Energy Nerd

  • Green Basics

    Video: Stump the Energy Nerd 2013, Part 1

    Stump the Energy Nerd: In his presentation at NESEA's Building Energy 13 conference, Martin Holladay combined entertainment with education


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