PassivHaus- Page 12 of 20
Insulating floor above vented crawlspace with cellulose
I am building a Passive House outside of Seattle in climate zone 4C. The building site has a high water table with water only 24 inches below grade in the…
Double stud wall assembly
I am building my dream house outside of Seattle in climate zone 4C with 4,615 heating degree days. It will be a net zero energy home built to Passive House…
Joint compound over poured concrete wall
Matthew, I would like to plaster then texture over old uneven concrete. I saw a product called plaster-weld. Can I use the plaster weld over the poured concrete wall and…
Blower door testing with IR thermometer or smoke stick
Can I rely on using only an IR camera during a blower door test to find air leaks in the building envelope of a very tight new construction home? We…
Passivehaus standard for commercial/industrial ??
I may have searched with the wrong words/terms, but i haven't found anything that would be similar to the PassiveHaus standard for commercial or industrial buildings ... Does it exist…
Flanged or undersill mounted passive house windows?
I will be using Intus Eforte windows in my passive house build. I have the option to purchase flanged windows that are installed on the outer of my double walls,…
Wall Assembly-Very Cold Climate Zone 7
I live in northern Maine and will be building a passive solar home. I want to achieve r-50+. Here's a rundown on my proposed wall assembly with three thoughts in…
PassivHaus backyard workshop
We're looking to build two sheds in our backyard. One is for storage of lawn-mowers etc and doesn't need to be insulated. The 2nd will be a workshop in which…
Is radon mitigation necessary with well sealed foundation design for a passive or near passive house?
We are planning a near passive house in northern Vermont. Radon risk is small to moderate. Design includes 6" subslab XPS and 2" high density(60 psi) foam @ the footers…
What are the issues with breaks/holes in the foundation?
We are building a near passivehaus in Northern Vermont (6 inches subslab foam and trying to strategize surrounding the footers). I have concerns and questions about breaks or holes in…