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Interior Design- Page 7 of 8

  • Question & Answers

    Wood Floor, Concrete slab, and Moisture

    Hi all, I had a question about proper installation of a wood floor on a concrete slab. Assuming the slab has been moisture tested (and passes with flying colors), would…

  • Question & Answers

    How to stop a Cathedral ceiling from sweating

    Newly constructed home in upstate New York (Cold Climate) with cathedral ceilings throughout. R38 paper faced batts with Sheetrock and T&G pine cover the entire ceiling. After the long winter…

  • Question & Answers

    Can I embed LEDs into EPS?

    I'm working on a project that would be made a million times better if I could embed LED diodes into the EPS that I am using.... I understand that EPS…

  • Question & Answers

    Living in a very small space

    Here's a link to a fun video about interior design: how to make a very small apartment work well: Thanks to Anna LaRue, who posted the video on her…

  • Question & Answers

    I am looking at a project with a crawl space with 6 mil poly over dirt floor with air vents

    Which has exposed piping to the weather. Should I close off vents or insulate the piping better?

  • Question & Answers

    Partition walls AFTER outer walls?

    Looking at a picture of the ADA recently, it occurred to me that installing partition walls after the exterior walls are sheet rocked would eliminate a few lines of goo,…

  • Question & Answers

    What type of board in bathrooms

    I am building a new home and have a question about wall and ceiling board in bathrooms. My confusion is over where to install normal drywall, where to install greenboard…

  • Question & Answers

    Tiling shower floor or plastic tray

    Is there a safe way to tile a shower floor with a drain if I don't use the plastic tray like most showers have? I heard someone mention there is…

  • Question & Answers

    Vented versus unvented attic retrofit

    I am considering having the fiberglass insulation removed from the attic floor and having open-cell foam sprayed in its place. Most foam installers are pushing the idea of sealing my…

  • Question & Answers

    Lighting in a home office

    What would be the preferred method of recessed lighting in a large home office? The home office is in a large bedroom (16'x15'). There are two desk areas. It is…