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Interior Design- Page 6 of 8

  • Question & Answers

    My new “older” home & whole home solar

    I've recently relocated to the Clear Lake area in CA and am very interested in upgrading to whole home solar; electricity, radiant flooring and hot water. I'm the only resident,…

  • Question & Answers

    … quiet floors …

    Home Depot just substituted our order of 1000 sq ft of db4looring with a product called Floor Muffler and told my sub there is no difference. I looked up the…

  • Question & Answers

    Can we drywall over an interior chimney?

    We had a new roof installed and it leaked around the chimney, into our attic then seeped down into our hallway. Plaster covers the interior chimney. We have no fireplace,…

  • Question & Answers

    Should I install a vapor barrier behind cement board in a shower?

    I live in a cold climate.

  • Question & Answers

    Positioning a house (regarding window view wall)

    We are looking to build in the Ashville, NC area, 2,100 - 2,200 feet above sea level. Mild winters. The view of this lot is to the south. Does passive…

  • Question & Answers

    Warmest Insulation Option under floor

    I live in the mountains of Colorado, dry and cold. I live above a loading dock, so semi trucks can drive in and unload the truck under me, so there…

  • Question & Answers

    Vinyl Wallpaper

    I've been trying to educate myself on vapor barriers since they are by far the most complicated topic I've ever come across. One thing that kept popping up is the…

  • Question & Answers

    Energy Efficient Lighting Gallery / Tour / Tutorial or Video

    I am looking for some visuals to help design energy efficient lighting for a new home (and persuade others in the project!). Can anyone point me to some good resources…

  • Question & Answers

    Will VOC’s from paint travel through flooring of apartment?

    I have a severe allergy to anything new (carpet, paint, most flooring, etc.). I currently live on the 2nd floor of a 3 story apartment building. I just found out…

  • Question & Answers

    Who pays for fixing builder error?

    I am building a house and I gave the builder the floor plan of house I wanted. I signed off on the plan, not knowing how to read a blueprint,…