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Interior Design- Page 5 of 8

  • Question & Answers

    Semi-exposed interior framing for Perfect Walls

    I'm building a 1000 sqft cabin residence outside of Portland, OR, and I'm considering using Lstiburek's "Perfect Walls": 2x6 framing with a few inches of rockwool exterior insulation. Since I…

  • Question & Answers

    Has anyone else experienced mold problems from lining interior walls with corrugated tin?

    The place I was renting last had a room where the walls and ceiling were lined with corrugated tin on the inside. There was also a combination AC/Heater window unit…

  • Question & Answers

    Stain or not stain a new custom solid mahogony front door?

    Hello All, Just had our custom front door (10 'x 14') in solid mahogany delivered & installed but not sure whether we should stain it or not? Wife prefers a…

  • Question & Answers

    Soundproofing from street noise

    Anyone able to recommend a good quality sound proof window? Right now I am facing problem of street noise

  • Question & Answers

    Hardwood flooring question

    Have about 3000 sq-ft area that needs to be covered. We would prefer Bazillion Cherry but not sure whether we want pre or on site finish? Pre-finish: Pros: Factory durable…

  • Question & Answers

    28″ or 32″ door widths?

    The door widths to the bedrooms in my home design are 32". Should I have the architect design the bathroom door widths at 32" also or leave them at the…

  • Question & Answers

    Sleeping coves betters than medium sized bedrooms?

    I redesign old homes and rent them out. I found hallways are your worse enemies in use of space. It was not until this last year that I noticed hallways…

  • Question & Answers

    Alternatives to recessed lighting in open floor plans?

    The question is basic.... For those of you who have forgone recessed lighting in your home for air sealing and efficiency reasons, what did you use for alternative lighting? My…

  • Question & Answers

    Interior design in office space

    Hey there, I work with a company in San Francisco. We are trying to redesign the interior of our office space greenly and effectively. Does anyone have any tips or…

  • Question & Answers

    Tongue-and-groove ceiling

    Hello, I currently building an addition and plan on putting up a knotty pine tongue and groove (1x6, 3/4" thick) ceiling attached to the bottom of scissors trusses. The trusses…