Green Building Techniques
Can I put polyiso on both sides of a CMU wall?
I have a completely above-grade single-story house with exterior walls made out of 6" CMU (hollow/unfilled) in Climate Zone 2, no inside framing, you go inside and you see the…
Perimeter Vent System for crawlspaces
I was researching another product this manufacturer makes (Maxell’s Pipe & Wall Sealer) & came across another type of product to ventilate crawlspaces that I had never seen before that…
Ontario Farm House Roof Retrofit
Hi all!I'm looking for some help settling on a retrofit roof assembly for my new-to-me farmhouse in Ontario, Canada (Climate Zone 6). The tricky part is that there are so…
Attaching and Sealing Smart Air Barrier Under Pine T&G
Hello all - thanks to everyone who contributes to GBA - this website is amazing.I can't seem to find this exact question already asked so I apologize if it has…
Central PA Contractor Rec – Ext Rockwool Comfortboard
Hi all. I'm based in Central Pennsylvania and looking for insulation contractor recommendations. I'm hoping to add 2.5-3 inches of Rockwool Comfortboard as exterior continuous insulation to my ~3600 square…