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General Questions- Page 98 of 1410

  • Question & Answers

    Removing Old Boiler

    How do I remove an old oil boiler? I have a 2006 New Yorker boiler and hot water baseboard system I need to remove. My HVAC company is removing the…

  • Question & Answers

    Question about flash and “batt” in conjunction with Zip R6 in Zone 6.

    Question about flash and “batt” in conjunction with Zip R6 in Zone 6. I am referring back to a previous post. ( am building in zone 6 (eastern Idaho). 6300…

  • Question & Answers

    Installing an ERV at an Angle

    Angle of HRV/ERV Hanging I have Panasonic Intellibalance ERV Cold Climate. This one - > I would like to attach it to the underside of a downstairs stair case, approx…

  • Question & Answers

    Vapor and Air Considerations Tiny House Build

    From the articles and FAQs I have read on this site, I believe that the materials I  listed below are generally vapor-permeable (mineral wool, wooden panel/boards) or at least semi-impermeable…

  • Question & Answers

    Venting and Insulating a Hybrid Roof

    Hybrid Vented roof above and below deck assembly Hello everyone, thank you for your time in considering this.  I'm continuing with a complete rehab of this barn/house and just recently…

  • Question & Answers

    Venting a low-slope vaulted parallel chord truss

    Hi all, first time posting here! I've passively gleaned much excellent information from you smart humans over the years, and would like to pose a specific question on a detail…

  • Question & Answers

    Reducing Concrete in Slab

    Is there a way I can reduce concrete usage in this slab? 9'x13.5' slab. 18" frostline. 1.5" rockwool comfortboard 80 (R6). My monolithic slab calculations are coming out to about…

  • Question & Answers

    Siga Products

    Hi,An unexpected delay caused Siga Majvest to be exposed for maybe 4 weeks beyond warranty period. We are experiencing approx major water intrusion at window heads where it is wrapped…

  • Question & Answers

    Installing Insulation from Exterior

    Renovating an old farmhouse originally built in 1850 w no fewer than 6 additions over the years.  In several places I will be removing the outside siding, adding sheathing and…

  • Question & Answers

    Make-up air in an older house

    I recently made a number of improvements to air seal the guest suite in my 1980s house. I think it was highly successful but now I'm faced with a dilemma.…