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General Questions- Page 97 of 1410

  • Question & Answers

    Venting Above Cut-and-Cobble Roof Insulation

    ventilated cut and cobble? I've got an addition with an EPDM flat roof in climate zone 4a. The main house attic is vented. I understand that venting low slope roofs…

  • Question & Answers

    Window Leaks due to Wind-Driven Rain

    I have been living in a new construction condo unit since November 2021. Two of my windows facing south tend to leak during storms. The builder came out and attempted…

  • Question & Answers

    Cellulose Insulation Odor and Coverage

    Any odor or void problems with loose-fill (blown-in) cellulose attic insulation? A few customer reviews of the Greenfiber Sanctuary cellulose say it emits a terrible smell from their attics into…

  • Question & Answers

    Walltherm Wood Gasification Stove

    What do you think about Walltherm?Just want to know if this is even feasible or worth considering. Something like hydronic floor heating would be tricky because the subfloor is down…

  • Question & Answers

    Cathedral Ceiling Retrofit

    Renovating a Zone 5 cathedral ceiling in a townhouse Happy New Year all.  I am an architect renovating a Zone 5 vacation condo / townhouse with a cathedral ceiling.  The…

  • Question & Answers

    Ice and Water over Zip

    Building in CZ 6 in an area that seeing a good amount of snow. Question regarding zip roof sheathing and water and ice peel and stick....If you were installing zip…

  • Question & Answers

    Interpreting 2021 IRC Energy Codes

    Looking for advice/feedback on the 2021 Energy codes. If I am understing correctly, the 2021 codes for climate zone 5 are as follows: R20 + 5ci,, R13+ 10ci, or 0+…

  • Question & Answers

    Thermal Comfort of Radiators vs. Minisplits in Leaky House

    Minisplit comfort in leaky house zone 4a Hi, I was able to go from about 5200 at neg 50 cfm to 4200 at neg 50 cfm by doing closed-cell foam…

  • Question & Answers

    Combination Rigid Foam / Batt Insulation in Basement

    Basement Insulation Detail Hello, I added 2" of rigid foam to an unfinished portion of my basement walls in zone 4 (St. Louis,MO) and then added 16" oc 2x4 framing…

  • Question & Answers

    Removing Old Boiler

    How do I remove an old oil boiler? I have a 2006 New Yorker boiler and hot water baseboard system I need to remove. My HVAC company is removing the…