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General Questions- Page 91 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    Should roof underlayment be seam taped?

    I have a vaulted ceiling with tongue and groove decking overlaid with osb for shear.  There is lapped vb armour under layment layer over that osb.  R30 polystyrene panels (…

  • Question & Answers

    Long-term serviceability: Fujitsu vs Mitsu?

    A friend of mine is choosing between the  AOUG12LZAS1/ASUG12LZAS or the MUZ-GL12NA***/MSZ-GL12NA*** in climate zone 4C for an ADU.He wants to go with the Fujitsu (better capacity at 17° and…

  • Question & Answers

    Rockwool ProRox SL 960 as exterior insulation?

    Would there be any major drawbacks to using 2" of ProRox SL 960 NA as exterior insulation?Specs:- R value 4.2- Density 5.8 lb/ft³ - Water Vapor Diffusion Resistance (u) 1-…

  • Question & Answers

    Attic Ventilation Challenge

    Hello,I am looking for ideas about how to best ventilate an 1st floor attic space in my house. The house has a metal roof, which would make the installation of…

  • Question & Answers

    Vapor barrier / retarder in wall between attached garage and house, zone 4A?

    I am in central North Carolina (mixed humid) and noticed that the insulation crew installed unfaced batts in the shared wall between my garage and house.  For the rest of…

  • Question & Answers

    Venting cold air from Heat Pump Water Heater to encapsulated attic?

    Our new Maine home , climate zone 6, will have HPWH in conditioned basement. Is there any reason we should not vent the cold air to encapsulated attic?  The roof…

  • Question & Answers

    Blown Cellulose on Flat Roof

    Hi everyone,We own a ~70yo commerical property that has been converted into a multi unit residential building (decades ago).Concrete block construction on a slab. The structure's original roof design is a…

  • Question & Answers

    Is my catch basin too close to my sewer lateral line?

    I just dug a drainage ditch and catch basin, but hit my PVC sewer lateral (at about 20” depth (in the Seattle area, Zone C). So I piled an inch…

  • Question & Answers

    Unvented Roof for Cold Climate – Detail Question

    Hello!I've been researching the feasibility of converting to an unvented attic with a cathedralized ceiling. I'm aware that the best option is closed-cell foam, and that's the route I'm planning…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulation Gradient Math

    I'd like to validate that I properly understand what I'm seeing with my bandboard insulation.I live in zone 4a (St. Louis, MO) in a 90s era tract home. It's been…