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General Questions- Page 90 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    keep rodents out of rainscreen system

    I am in a very high mouse and vole area and worried about the furring strips behind my future house siding.  What is a simple way to keep them out…

  • Question & Answers

    Drainage Plane Between XPS and Zip?

    Long time lurker, first time question(er??)I am trying to hammer out in insulation details of the wall section on my house. Currently, I have 2"x4" framed walls with zip sheathing.…

  • Question & Answers

    Surface applied finished waterproofing membrane for steam shower ceilings?

    What can be applied to waterproof a drywall/plaster ceiling in a steam shower? The intent of the finished look (with or without a painted type coating) is to be that…

  • Question & Answers

    Moisture between Insulation and Baffle

    In the process of remodeling our master bathroom.  I gutted the room down to the studs, walls and ceiling.  The room is 8'x20' with a cathedral ceiling, 14' at the…

  • Question & Answers

    Thoughts on flat roof detail? Protected membrane with gravel

    I came across this detail on Youtube.  I'm developing infill townhomes with a low slope assembly in climate zone 5B.  On past projects we've done flat roof deck using tapered…

  • Question & Answers

    Secure Vertical XPS at Foundation Stem Wall

    Hey All,I've decided to have the excavation company clear out the garage's slab below grade to add XPS for radiant tubing.  The XPS is only reaches about 6 inches in…

  • Question & Answers

    New House Ventilation

    I am thinking of this setup for whole house ventilation for my new home and would appreciate any insight or critique.The house is in Minnesota. Energy efficient and air-tight construction.Current HVAC…

  • Question & Answers

    Hot roof or vented roof for sunroom converted from screened in porch?

    I'm converting a screened in porch to a sunroom on a 1962 home in Central Ohio (Climate Zone 5A). After installing windows and framing the walls, I've pulled the old…

  • Question & Answers

    Kraft faced insulation

    My hardware store only stocks kraft faced batts. Everything I read says because of challenges with insulation the kraft face will never be affective. So why sell it with the kraft…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulation For Detached Garage

    I have a Detached Garage 24x48 that Im looking to make a nice man cave we can hang out in year round. It has soffit vents and 2 roof vents. I…