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General Questions- Page 88 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    How do you calculate the number of structural screws that would hold down osb over 4″ of polyiso screwed into a TJI Roof?

    My engineer is not sure about how to calculate this, which is perplexing because I've seen the concept mentioned multiple times here.  The low slow (1.5/12) roof is TJI's.  There…

  • Question & Answers

    European Windows, NFRC Ratings, and the UA Method

    I'm wondering how many members have gone through a similar experience and what conclusions you made.  The window company we intend to order with gave me a heads up to…

  • Question & Answers

    Shingle Roof Outsulation and Venting

    We are located in Austin, TX. The home has a flat roof with a new PVC membrane as the overlay. For aesthetics and performance, we would like to add a…

  • Question & Answers

    Using an ERV for constant positive pressure

    I own a single story mid-century home built partially on a basement and partially on a crawlspace. Due to decades of moisture and rodent issues the air quality in these…

  • Question & Answers

    Achieving secondary air barrier in roof assembly with untaped sheathing

    1920's Baltimore masonry row home, stripped to the shell, floor decks and roof installed.  "Cockloft" roof  framing.  Low sloped roof has modified bitumen over only 2 inches of polyiso and…

  • Question & Answers

    Exterior Wall Assembly – California 2022 Energy Code

    I'm studying adding a second story addition to an existing 1950s single family residence in southern California.The existing structure is 2x4 framing with a stucco finish.  The addition needs to…

  • Question & Answers

    Vapor Control Layer in Climate Zone 6?

    I am building a new home in northern Vermont (climate zone 6) and have the following wall section from outside to inside:LP Smartside Board & Batten siding3/4" PT vertical furring…

  • Question & Answers

    Topic Ideas for GBA

    Hi All, I’m developing the editorial lineup and thought I would solicit additional topic ideas from the folks reading the content. My goal is to get a good mix of…

  • Question & Answers

    Ideas to maximize window placement

    I'm a first-time homebuilder and would love to get some opinions on my houseplan.  I want to build a Pretty Good House, if you're familiar with the concept.  Basically, build…

  • Question & Answers

    Boiler replacement strategy

    We have a 1978 split level located in southern coastal Maine. Reasonably insulated (6-inch walls), reasonably well maintained with a 22-year-old 4-section Burnham boiler for baseboards and domestic hot water…