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General Questions- Page 86 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    Adding another Vapor Barrier or Not?

    Hello, I live in zone 6. My new construction house has 2 inches of foam on the outside. On the inside of the wood sheathing + house wrap, is blown in…

  • Question & Answers

    Bad Choices for Residential Appliances

    Hey everyone! There’s lots of questions on this site from people asking about how to build or fix their building’s envelope, which windows and doors are the most efficient, and…

  • Question & Answers

    Is it time to stop building vented attics in Canada and large parts of the US?

    This news story is interesting:"The roofing technician, who works with Calgary Elite Roofing, says his team has been repeatedly dealing with complaints over what appears to be attic rain, a…

  • Question & Answers

    How can I filter propane exhaust?

    I have a new Navien combi with the exhaust pipe only a couple of feet off the ground and a few feet from my front door.  The smell is awful,…

  • Question & Answers

    Actively condition the encapsulated crawl or just run a humidifier?

    My HVAC sub advised against any part of my system venting into the crawl. I have heard that some have vents into their crawl. I do plan on having a…

  • Question & Answers

    Vented or Unvented Crawlspace – advice needed

    Eastern Massachusetts. We are renovating a mudroom, part of which is suspended between the main house and garage. Mudroom floor is 2' above a concrete pad (which used to be…

  • Question & Answers

    energy-efficient exterior doors 2024: entry, garage, storage

    what is current thinking for cost-effective energy efficient doors in these three categories:(should be at least r-6 if possible)(1) entry door: here looks r important, so ok to cost a…

  • Question & Answers

    Foam board insulation and dimple board

    If you want to use 1 or 2” foam board insulation on basement walls with a french drain in place with a dimple board, where does the foam board go?…

  • Question & Answers

    Power Monitor Modifications

    I have power monitor that I'd like to have totally enclosed in the electrical panel.  Currently it has two things that plug into a receptacle--a 12 VAC adapter for monitoring…

  • Question & Answers

    attic baffles installed incorrectly?

    Dear all,I paid a company to insulate the house. They installed soffit vents, baffles, and blew in cellulose. They put in the baffles then blew in the cellulose. Is it…