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General Questions- Page 85 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    Synthetic roof felt under hardwoods

    Is there any reason not to use synthetic underlay instead of asphalt roof felt? It is 3/4 site finished oakThanks

  • Question & Answers

    Linesets through the attic-proper anti vibration

    I have a 30' length of lineset running through my attic that seems to transmit a low sounding hum through the home when the outside compresser is running.  The installer…

  • Question & Answers

    Roof insulation discontinuity

    Dear all,I am new on this forum. I am working on a project for a shopping mall located in Greece (Europe), according to ASHRAE it is Climate Zone 3. For this…

  • Question & Answers

    Crawlspace rim joist insulation in mixed humid climate?

    I keep going around in circles on this one because so many folks in the building industry here in central North Carolina have different opinions on how to insulate the…

  • Question & Answers

    Exterior duct size for Panasonic ERV

    Background info: We are adding a ground-floor bedroom suite to our quasi-passive house (i.e., meets all the PHIUS requirements but was never certified). The addition is roughly 500sf and will…

  • Question & Answers

    Bathroom Exhaust Vent – Aluminum or Plastic Vent Pipe

    On a bathroom exhaust vent. Is it better to use an insulated plastic flexible exhaust or a flexible aluminum vent pipe? Will an aluminum vent pipe cause more condensation issues…

  • Question & Answers

    Ontario house failures – Mike Holmes homes

    I don't live in the area so this may be old news for those who do. But this short video looks at design/construction failures in homes around Ontario. It's very…

  • Question & Answers

    Condensation new build

    We are in the building process of a custom home. The electrician is installing lights in the ceiling and noticed condensation on the closed cell spray foam on the underside…

  • Question & Answers

    Freeze/thaw moisture issues behind roof insulation

    I insulated a vaulted ceiling with R30 rockwool between the rafters and 2” foilfaced foam board below rafters to slow thermal bridging. I’m having moisture issues. Small amounts of water…

  • Question & Answers

    Belts & Suspender window install with Zip—install 2nd WRB before or after window install?

    Hi, I’m trying to plan for the most resilient window method installation possible, and I’m looking for a tried and true Zip window install. This will be for climate Zone 6B.Particulars…