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General Questions- Page 83 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    How did the attic get cold enough to burst a water pipe?

    Need help for a friend with a multi-faceted problem here.Background:1. Home is located in Frisco, Texas (suburb of Dallas)2. Large home with an unconditioned attic. Continuous soffit vent + ridge…

  • Question & Answers

    Light weight ceiling insulation and soundproofing?

    I have an idea for insulation and soundproofing for a Manufactured home.  The vaulted ceiling is not rated for the weight of 5/8 Drywall.  So I propose to use a…

  • Question & Answers

    Subfloor options for Basement

    Hi,I'm renovating our basement and looking to chose the most suitable flooring options. Plan is to install mostly carpet with one section of rubber gym flooring for exercise equipment. House is…

  • Question & Answers

    Help confirming exterior rockwool insulation amount

    I am renovating an old, post-and-beam house that sits on concrete piers, and has no insulation nor sheathing. Summers are humid and fairly warm with temperatures between 23C/71F and 31C/88F.…

  • Question & Answers

    High Velocity System for HVAC

    Hello GBA community, I'm considering installing a high velocity system as part of the HVAC for our new residential home.   This is recommended by our builder's HVAC vendor.  The vendor…

  • Question & Answers

    Architect Steve Baczek Has a New Series on One of His Passive House Designs

    This new Youtube series features Steve dissecting a Passive house that he designed in 2009 and was finished in 2011. In the series he'll go over all aspects of the…

  • Question & Answers

    Dense Pack Cellulose Tips?

    Any tricks to filling the divot left from the hose and getting the corners filled better? (Other than making more holes of course) Also wondering now if it’s a bad…

  • Question & Answers

    Tilt/Turn window preference

    Musings of an Energy Nerd What Windows Should I Buy?(2018)The age old question with a subjective answer no one can agree about.  What brand of window should I buy.  I was…

  • Question & Answers

    Practical Remodel Advice

    I've been reading up on building science articles and have even hired a building science engineer, but have been frustrated by the lack of practical advice for retrofits. I understand…

  • Question & Answers

    ERV / HRV in existing house
