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General Questions- Page 81 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    What is the water vapor journey when walls dry inward?

    For walls designed to dry inward, where does the water vapor go? It presumably moves through your wall assuming it's sufficiently permeable. Then it gets into your conditioned space, and…

  • Question & Answers


    Is there a way to post goods for sale on this site?  Due to minimum order quantities and miscalculations, I have tons of canned drywall gasket foam left over from…

  • Question & Answers

    Vapor barrier underlayment + vinyl plank over XPS + plywood subfloor

    We are finishing our basement with a lot of info from GBA. The slab is not insulated underneath but does have a vapor barrier (built 2020). We have 1" XPS…

  • Question & Answers

    Zip R6 vs. Exterior Foam – A financial equation

    Another wall assembly insulation question -- I know. My original plan was to have the following wall assembly: Vertical cedar siding > rainscreen > Zip R6 > 2x6 rockwool cavity >…

  • Question & Answers

    Radon Mitigation in Air and Water – How Many More Roof Penetrations in Tight House?

    Radon Mitigation in Air and Water - How Many More Roof Penetrations in Tight House?Single family, zone 6 Southern Maine, new construction, weekend home, first floor and daylight (walkout) basement…

  • Question & Answers

    Winter Break During Construction

    Hey All -- A question I've been pondering recently: When would be an acceptable time to "take a break" during the early stages of construction to wait for winter weather…

  • Question & Answers

    Advice to fix/retrofit heating/cooling and insulation problems in 23 yr old house

    I have a 2-story house in climate zone 3A (Tulsa Ok) with a lot of problems with heating/cooling due to poor insulation caused by poor quality construction and squirrel  problems…

  • Question & Answers

    Living in camper in winter during construction

    I know this isn't exactly a building science question but I think it's relevant for the DIY crowd ;-)I'm planning a DIY build in Vermont. What's been people's experience living…

  • Question & Answers

    water line replacement

    hi all,Looking for advice on what to do about an old galvanized water supply line. My neighbor's just broke and the plumbers said hers was in bad enough shape that…

  • Question & Answers

    Cheap Indoor Air Quality in a Mild Climate

    Hello, I am doing a whole home remodel and hoping to achieve a pretty good house. The project is located in Seattle, which has a mild climate and relatively low…