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General Questions- Page 80 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    HVAC design for large new build.

    I'm in the design phase for a large residential build and I'm having difficulty picking out a general HVAC topology.  I'm going to track down some high performance house HVAC…

  • Question & Answers

    DIY Baffles for Cathedral celing

    Hello, I read the advice in this article... neighbor wants to do DIY baffles out of 2 inch foil faced polyiso to bring his roof assembly a higher r value.…

  • Question & Answers

    Dr. Joe Lstiburek Discusses Building “Almost” Net Zero Ready Homes

    Here's a great paper from the Building Science Corporation website about how to build net zero homes. Dr. Joe provides building sections and details on how to construct residential buildings…

  • Question & Answers

    Conventional Stucco vs Synthetic Acrylic

    On an ICF/EPS structure, is it better to apply an acrylic stucco or Portland based conventional stucco?There is a product called "U-Stucco" and it's conventional stucco but contains fibers in…

  • Question & Answers

    Should dead spaces within the conditioned envelope be vented?

    We have a hallway, pantry and mudroom area approximately 12' x 15'  on the back of our house in what used to be an old porch that then had a…

  • Question & Answers

    Poor Comforboard availability. Alternatives?

    We’re building on the Southwest corner of climate zone 5A (Northwest Kansas). Hoping to be able to heat and cool with electricity from solar so we’re trying to build for…

  • Question & Answers

    Having my duct work checked for leaks, efficiency.

    Before getting an HRV installed I figure I should make sure my duct work is in order and I'm wondering who is best to look into that for me.I had…

  • Question & Answers

    Stem Wall Design In Cold Climate

    Hoping to get some feedback.  The background is that the project will be in Northern Wisconsin where it can get very cold in winter and typically lots of snow.  Plan…

  • Question & Answers

    Conditioned Ceiling Cavity as Return Air Plenum

    I have a project coming up with concealed ducted heat pump (Mitsubishi PEAD-A12AA7) located in a completely conditioned service cavity above the second floor ceiling and serving three bedrooms and…

  • Question & Answers

    smell lingers even after removal of CCSPF

    Hello... has anybody had experience with that unnatural sweet smell remaining even after removal of CCSPF? Contractor did not put a huge amount of it in, but much of what…