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General Questions- Page 8 of 1395

  • Question & Answers

    Window buck material options?

    Hey all,I was planning on using a 2x material to buck out my windows to accommodate the exterior insulation.  However, from looking at some of the lumber on-site, available at…

  • Question & Answers

    Climate 5 Wall & Roof Assembly Feedback

    Good Morning,My wife and I are design/building a house near Syracuse, NY (Climate Zone 5) and would like some feedback on a few areas we are concerned about.1.  Would like…

  • Question & Answers

    ERV intake and exhaust through eaves

    I'm installing an ERV in our attic while converting to a conditioned attic with R20 foam above deck and R21 dense pack cellulose in rafter bays, zone 4c.My original thought…

  • Question & Answers

    Vapor Barrier at Bearing Wall Footer

    Okay one more basement prep question for this group this morning. Thanks to all who have helped so far.Basement foundation in CZ6. The perimeter building footings have already been poured…

  • Question & Answers

    Some Concrete Curing Questions

    New build in CZ 6, basement foundation with a bearing wall in the middle of the basement footprint that divides the room and carries the floor trusses. The engineered specs…

  • Question & Answers

    Best practices for metal siding that doesn’t sweat/condense, Zone 5

    Hi community,  I have a question about metal siding.  We are looking at installing continuous external insulation when replacing a water-damaged 5×13 section of wall (the above-ground portion of an…

  • Question & Answers

    poly over basement concrete slab vs no poly inside basement walls — can someone explain the difference?

    I have read a number of articles explaining why there should never be poly or anything vapor impermeable directly against the interior of basement walls -- for example: "Basement wall…

  • Question & Answers

    General contractor for energy efficient remodel in northern NJ

    Hi there! I've been having a really hard time finding a general contractor for our remodel project. We're planning to remodel our home and make it quite efficient while we're…

  • Question & Answers

    Radon Pipe Specs

    Hey All,I found similar questions but couldn't find the exact info... I'm about to start prepping the basement slab with plumbing, radon pipes, insulation, VB etc. Radon system will be…

  • Question & Answers

    Recessing concrete stem wall for zero-threshold prior to choosing door manufacturer

    Hi all, I’m planning to recess the top of our stem wall by 1” to allow for a zero-threshold patio door, but not sure what length to recess.  We’ve engineered…