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General Questions- Page 79 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    Slab vapor barrier termination

    Where should a sub-slab vapor barrier be terminated?I see different detail drawings from Building America Solution Center with the vapor barrier terminating below grade and above grade (see attached images).I'd…

  • Question & Answers

    Independent hydronic heating and cooling designers?

    Does anyone know of any North American firms that will design a hydronic heating and cooling system, regardless of equipment manufacturers? Plan A was to find someone local who could…

  • Question & Answers

    Frequently linked articles section of forum.

    I think it would be a nice feature to have a list of frequently linked articles on GBA. Basically you could compile the number of times an article on FHB…

  • Question & Answers

    Unheated Frost-Protected Monolithic Slab for Garage in 5A?

    I'm planning a conditioned detached garage in zone 5A. What foundation style should I use?I'm considering a monolithic frost-protected shallow foundation for unheated buildings per ASCE 32-01, just in case…

  • Question & Answers

    Intello overlap

    I asked my builder to put Intello on the interior side of our stud walls using about a 3 inch overlap. I later discovered he overlapped by a couple of…

  • Question & Answers

    How to cantilever a double stud wall (and other questions)?

    Hi all,I hope to dip again into your well of generosity and knowledge. It's been a great help so far.I'm designing an ADU in CZ6, southern Quebec. It'll be a…

  • Question & Answers

    Dricore or other option for basement subfloor?

    Getting ready to install flooring in my basement remodel.  Concrete slab is in pretty good shape.  A few hairline cracks in a few spots but nothing major.  It's dry, house…

  • Question & Answers

    WRB location with continuous insulation considerations/potential issues – Please help…

    Morning folks,I am building our families cottage in Ontario, Canada. The walls are 2x6 with r22 batt and osb sheathing, we will be adding 1" silverboard with taped seams, 1x4…

  • Question & Answers

    Inflation Reduction Act and non-profit

    I volunteer with a local non-profit in Kansas, and I want to provide them with information about potential incentives for energy efficiency upgrades to their buildings and appliances.  My problem…

  • Question & Answers

    Manual J for well insulated house

    I'm working on the Manual J, S and D for our upcoming home and would like some opinions on software to use. We're building a simple 3br 26x36 colonial, with…