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General Questions- Page 77 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    How to get a horizontal gap between Hardie panels

    The installation instructions for Hardie panels require a gap of 1/4 inch between panels and horizontal Z flashing. What I have not been able to learn is how installers accomplish…

  • Question & Answers

    Mitigating risk of low perm rating exterior insulation

    I’m trying to find a substitute for Rockwool Comfortboard or other similar products (due to poor availability) without compromising the durability of my wall assembly.2” of Comfortboard 80 has a…

  • Question & Answers

    Cantilever and Second Floor Inset Air Seal

    I have a two story home Dublin Ohio built in 1984. The walls are 2X4 with stucco and brick veneer and roof is asphalt shingles.The north second floor has a…

  • Question & Answers

    Non-VOC odors from insulation?

    Our house has had a sickly sweet odor in it ever since we had spray foam insulation (which didn't cure properly) installed along with adjacent blow-in fiber. The odor remains…

  • Question & Answers

    Dogtrot Foundation Design

    We are planning a Dogtrot home design. Traditionally these homes were built entirely separate (including the foundations) and joined by a common roof. We live in a Northern region where…

  • Question & Answers

    Preferences for Hot & Cold Water Line Layout and Piping Connections

    Hi everyone. I was watching this video from Matt Risinger called "Controversial Plumbing Innovations 2024" and they talked about the benefits of a "home-run" plumbing system - IE there are…

  • Question & Answers

    Condensation issues in house

    Hi AllI am looking for some advice for a condensation problem I have in my house.90s construction in Northern California, house located about 10 miles from the coast.I have lots…

  • Question & Answers

    Garage Vapor Barrier

    Hey All -- I've found similar questions but can't seem to locate one that hits exactly this.Foundation is a basement -- half is a drive under garage and the other…

  • Question & Answers

    Backfilling stem wall foundation

    Hello! I will be building my own home this year and am planning on building a stem wall foundation pinned to sloping bedrock. Im planning on filling the foundation with…

  • Question & Answers

    Heat pump water heater in a Chicago townhome

    As the title suggests, we live in Chicago and have a 4-story townhome. Our top floor is a small bedroom that has a louvered-door utility closet with a gas furnace…