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General Questions- Page 76 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    Helical Piles on Sloped Foundation

    To start -- I understand that a structural engineer needs to be consulted here, and that these plans need to be properly engineered if we go this direction. I'm just…

  • Question & Answers

    Passive House Portal for Choosing Certified Passive House Building Components

    Here's a website I just stumbled upon that lists the building components available in North America that are certified for Passive level houses. looking through the components section, you can…

  • Question & Answers

    Choosing what type of attic insukation

    I have read a ton of articles on the differences for the ways to insulate the attic. My home has stucco exterior live in NC, with high humidity and heat. There…

  • Question & Answers

    How much pitch can a 3′ soffit have before it’s noticable?

    I'm finishing my first house and it's time to put siding on (6" smartside lap). The eves, 3 feet wide, are going to be enclosed with smartside soffit. This is…

  • Question & Answers

    Question on roof insulation approach with mono slope

    I've learned a lot with this group over the last year. Appreciate all the good direction as I'm designing and building my own house. I'm leaning towards PassiveHaus standards but…

  • Question & Answers

    Inland South Georgia exterior wall problems

    I have a conundrum. I recently inherited an older home that a family member was in the process of remodeling located in inland south Georgia. The exterior siding was replaced…

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  • Question & Answers

    Insulating a 1930s slate roof

    I'm planning to insulate the attic under the roof and want to check that I'm not about to create invisible issues in the process, e.g. trapped damp and rot. The roof…

  • Question & Answers

    Retrofit Basement Insulation Details

    Hello,Basement in our house was already finished when my family moved in. Finished area is mostly 1/2 poured foundation walls with daylight. Some is full depth. 2x4 framing with no…

  • Question & Answers

    Kneewall triangle in attic solutions/specifics

    To start, I am in climate zone 4, non coastal.I have a non-insulated vented roof, the vents are ridge and over fascia soffit gap all the way along the roof…