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General Questions- Page 75 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    Waterproofing approaches for inset balcony

    Hi all. Building a garage with a one bedroom unit above in Nova Scotia. Looking ahead to sealing the 6'x8' inset corner balcony. I have sloped the joists and the…

  • Question & Answers

    House overhang insulation

    My main floor overhands 4 foot from the basement. This section is extremely cold on the feet compared to what's over the basement. What would be best way to insulate…

  • Question & Answers

    Basement Stairway

    I have colder air coming up to my main floor from my open basement stairway.At the bottom of the stairs there is a door that closes the basement off.My questions…

  • Question & Answers

    Cathedral Ceiling Failure in Zone 3B…Questions on repair

    Hi all, recently purchased a home that was build in 2015 and unfortunately the builder and architect had zero understanding of roof ventilation/condensation which caused the assembly to build up…

  • Question & Answers

    polyken 629 sheathing tape

    I'm looking for a tape to use to seal the seams of some interior OSB ceiling sheathing.  (Air barrier for interior OSB).My local building supply store carries a tape called…

  • Question & Answers

    How do I vent the peak of a monoslope roof?

    I found lots of details out there for venting the bottom of a monoslope/shed roof, but very few discussing what to do at the top.Are either of these details right?It's…

  • Question & Answers

    Analysis Paralysis in new build wall

    Building our new "forever" house just outside of Chicago (zone 5a).  The architectural wall build plan was designed and approved in 2023 using 2018 ? codes. The village has grandfathered…

  • Question & Answers

    Gap at back of sill pan for exterior slider

    Hey GBA. Is a gap at the back of a pre fab sill pan a big problem?I got a Jamsill 4 9/16 for my vinyl slider (4 1/2") that does…

  • Question & Answers

    Roof and Wall Detail for Off Grid Cabin

    New to the forum and have seen some of the topics covered but not to our exact conditions so please excuse me if this has been covered in previous posts/questions…

  • Question & Answers

    passive replacement air tube with stack lock

    I got this idea for replacement air from a friend a while back. I am curious what thoughts folks on here might have.The idea is locating an insulated duct with…