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General Questions- Page 74 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    ASHP burning dust smell

    We've had our new ASHP* up and running since November. It's a ducted Mitsubishi system: outdoor: PUZ-HA36NKA; indoor: PVA-A36AA7. Much of the ductwork in the basement was replaced when the…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulated glass in custom door

    Hi- I'm building a full light custom exterior door for a client, 36"x80". There will be a single piece of 7/16" insulated glass approximately 26"x66" installed with a muntin grid…

  • Question & Answers

    Rain/ventilation batten thickness Cora-vent vs strapping

    I am having problems with my fiberglass frame window and door trim details with a 3/4" thick  batten rain/vent screen. Here in New England 1x3 "strapping" is usually only about…

  • Question & Answers

    Concrete Epoxy & EPS

    Will a concrete crack epoxy resin (Simpson Crack-Pac), melt EPS foam?

  • Question & Answers

    How to Attach Shed Dormer Header

    I’m rebuilding a shed dormer and I’m trying to figure out a few details. The existing header, at the top of the dormer wasn’t attached properly to the rafters and…

  • Question & Answers

    Proper Insulation Metal Siding & Roof

    We are building in climate zone 2a (39470) Poplarville, Ms.  La.  It is slab on grade with footings. We are slightly raised-maybe 3 steps above grade. We are doing a…

  • Question & Answers

    Lennox Signature Heat Pump solution – looking for experiences

    Greetings,We are in the process of building a new home and we have been getting estimates for HVAC.In addition to a Mitsubishi/Zehnder solution I've also received a proposal using Lennox…

  • Question & Answers

    Will a hot roof (R-60) avoid ice dams in a 134psf snow load area? Or over-vent cold roof ?

    I'm building a house in southern Washington in a town called Trout Lake, it’s just south of Mt. Adams, lots of winter snow, fairly hot summers. The ground snow load…

  • Question & Answers

    Retrofit – adding spray/rockwool insullation on exterior

    Hello,We're in southern Alberta, Canada (zone 3a, now 4b), planning to replace windows and add exterior insulation to our 1972-built house. The current setup includes 1/2" drywall, a vapor barrier…

  • Question & Answers

    New Cellulose, how to get around in Attic space

    What is the best way to get around the attic space without trampling all the new blown in cellulose?  Should I put a board down and then leave the board…