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General Questions- Page 72 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    Vapour Retarder Required in Basement?

    Hello,I am renovating our basement in our 1950's bungalow in Edmonton Alberta.  I am planning to insulate the interior side of the foundation wall with R10 Halo Interra rigid foam…

  • Question & Answers

    Vented or unvented roof assembly?

    Hey everyone,I'm in Oakville, Ontario (Climate zone 5-6) and am wondering what the best solution for insulating this new build that's easy for the builder without resorting to spray foam.Should…

  • Question & Answers

    US Foamglas T3+ distributors?

    Someone on this forum recommended I look into Foamglas T3+ for roofing insulation that meets requirements for my unvented cathedral roof in fire country while fulfilling my desire to reduce…

  • Question & Answers

    Unvented Cathedral Ceiling Insulation Strategy

    I am insulating a 2x8 framed gable roof with board sheathing and asphalt shingle in zone 4A (Maryland)  no attic - ceiling will be open to a bedroom and a…

  • Question & Answers

    A couple FPSF rockwool questions..

    Regarding frost protected shallow foundations, can rockwool board be used on the exterior and buried apron/wings without absorbing water?  And why do I see some FPSF's insulate only the exterior…

  • Question & Answers

    CMU Block Home – Fuel Tank Conversion

    We own a 1960’s one-story home with a basement that is constructed with CMUs in Wisconsin.  Most of the interior walls are blocks and, incredibly to me, the ceiling in…

  • Question & Answers

    Heating/Air Sealing an Old Barn for occasional use

    We are lucky to have a late 19th century wagon house in our back yard: a timber-frame with vertical wood siding and an old Pennsylvania gray slate roof on skip…

  • Question & Answers

    Furnace coil cleaner

    Is there a fragrance free product to use to clean furnace coils?  The have used a cleaner in the past and when unit came on that awful smell was sent…

  • Question & Answers

    Sealed and Encapsulated Crawl Space in Dry Denver

    I am building a new 280 sq foot addition with crawl space.  Climate zone 5B. The Denver code specifies that with a sealed crawl space, the concrete walls are insulated…

  • Question & Answers

    In-Slab Ductwork Retrofit

    Hi GBA Community - hoping for some advice on how to approach in-slab ductwork that we have on our old house. For context, we're in the midst of planning a larger…