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General Questions- Page 7 of 1395

  • Question & Answers

    Is a continuous baffle length needed?

    We will have a conditioned attic that is 12’ wide by 72’ long spanning the length of the house.  We realize that we need at least 2 baffles:  one baffle…

  • Question & Answers

    Single Mini Split for Whole Home (600 sq ft)

    TL;DR: Is a single 18k BTU Mitsubishi Mini split enough to maintain comfort in a 600 sq ft home with the attached layout.I have read several posts about this same…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulation under slab with radiant heat

    I have seen on this site it’s highly recommended to place the 10-15mil vapor barrier directly under the slab and then the EPS or XPS below the vapor barrier. My…

  • Question & Answers

    Framing over 1 inch rigid exterior insulation

    We need to add some false rake overhangs and eave overhangs and I'm trying to find out if we can install 1 inch rigid foam first and then frame on…

  • Question & Answers

    Does rigid slab insulation negatively affect the cooling properties of a basement?

    Zone 5, mountains of Utah. Adding an addition that will be built into the hillside.  Radiant heat in the slab.  While lack of insulation obviously means it’s going to take more…

  • Question & Answers

    Is pvc or fiber cement trim a better option for long-term durability

    Homeowner in Long Island ny. I plan on adding dark colored fiber cement siding to my house and need a dark colored trim. it seems that fiber cement is a…

  • Question & Answers

    Pin small concrete porch to ICF Basement Wall?

    I am building a small 8x6 front porch in front of our ICF home. We have a peel n' stick membrane / dimple board and clean gravel against basement ICF…

  • Question & Answers

    Wall Assembly Question

    We originally planned to use rockwool on the exterior and interior of our home. It is officially out of the price range. We live in northern WI. My question is,…

  • Question & Answers

    Bathroom fan 2 sizes difference in performance?

    Home depot sells Panasonic Whisper choice 80/110cfm model and then a Whisper Remodel one 80/110cfm modelthe difference between the 2 is the “Choice” model has 7” height which can be…

  • Question & Answers

    Ductless Mini-Splits and Age

    Do ductless mini-splits becomes LESS efficient with age? If the filters are cleaned regularly, does a mini-split lose it's efficiency with time due to wear and tear?Also, what is a…