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General Questions- Page 69 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    Condensation with metal nailing fin and protruding nails

    I recently installed a vinyl slider that I had to make a nailing fin for. I made it out of thin metal and noticed it's sweating. Temps right now are…

  • Question & Answers

    Interior Z3 Retrofit Wall Assembly

    Long time follower, first time poster. Currently renovating my 1975 home in climate Zone 3A in Georgia. 4 sided brick on the main level, so an exterior tear down WRB replacement/addition…

  • Question & Answers

    Heat pump / mini split recommendations

    I have a 1900 sq ft home just north of Boston that I'm looking to upgrade to heat pumps and I'm hoping to receive suggestions on how to proceed.The house…

  • Question & Answers

    Is this called a frost protected stem wall beam?

    I'm leaning towards a frost protected shallow foundation FPSF and came across this drawing which shows the beam a separate pour from the floor slab, when the majority Ive seen…

  • Question & Answers

    Details for Slab’s Vertical Insulation at Doors

    Hey All,I have a slab on grade foundation that is 4" thick on top of 3 3/8" of insulation with PEX for radiant heat (as a back up for the…

  • Question & Answers

    What is this paper?

    Can someone tell us what is the deteriorating paper that is on the back of the cement wall? Picture taken from inside after removing drywall/plaster lath of 1924 house in…

  • Question & Answers

    Siding Fasteners

    I'm building my first house and I'm processing and installing my own siding. The siding will be a horizontal lapped, painted, pine siding. My question is about fastening wooden siding.…

  • Question & Answers

    This Old House: Easier Plumbing Solutions With Snap Together Copper Fittings

    In this Youtube video from This Old House they discuss snap together fittings for copper plumbing pipes (starting at minute 4:25). I've seen lots of information about this type of…

  • Question & Answers

    Blower door test and air sealing for HVAC sizing

    Hi all. I have a question about a chicken/egg problem for our HVAC planning, air sealing and blower door testing. We purchased a newly built home that is mostly finished…

  • Question & Answers

    Flanged window placement with rainscreen and reverse board and batten siding

    Hi all, Building a 2-story garage with an ADU above in Nova Scotia. Construction is double stud wall with dense-pack cellulose and no exterior insulation. I'm planning on using strips of…