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General Questions- Page 66 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    Vapor Barrier Behind Pine Boards

    I'm designing myself a little ski cabin in NW Maine (Zone 6). My contractor is willing to work with me but seems a bit reluctant to anything other than more…

  • Question & Answers

    Partial Radiant Heat – Slab on Grade

    So I know radiant is beat to death here.  Looking for some advice on it anyway!  We have our house design pretty well complete.  Double stud wall, around 2500sqft, climate…

  • Question & Answers

    Problem comparing ERV’s SRE ratings

    I'm looking for an ERV for a target CFM of around 110-115, but with the best SRE possible. I was recommended the Vannee AI V150E75NT. I want to use that…

  • Question & Answers

    How long does Rheem tankless water heater last?

    any idea to How long does Rheem tankless water heater last?

  • Question & Answers

    Im in Ontario, GTA. So zone 5, is 4” inch white EPS enough ?

    Hello,Planning on finishing a basement, thinking about using 4” EPS boards and leaving stud cavities open.I will be using steel studs.On the same note steel track should I first place…

  • Question & Answers

    ICF vs tradition framing.. cost comparison.

    We're having an addition drafted up.  Some research has led to ICF costing about $220 per 4x8 of exterior wall. I'm just not sure it's worth it.Traditional built, 5 2x6 studs -…

  • Question & Answers

    Condensation on interior of duct

    I’m planning a house in Climate Zone 3 (hot-dry) with a traditional vented attic. I know it’s best to get the ductwork out of the attic in this case, but…

  • Question & Answers

    Matt Risinger Features Cool New Products

    Here's a nice video showing off  11 new products for home construction. I like the Winbag Air Wedge (minute 0:30) and the Grabo suction cup (minute 1:55).

  • Question & Answers

    Finding a Professional Designer for DIY build

    My husband and I are in the beginning planning stages of building our own small home in New Hampshire. We want an efficient home and have spent some time on…

  • Question & Answers

    ERV — How best to duct to keep bedroom cooler than rest of house?

    Hi All, thanks in advance for any insight and suggestions!Been reading and learning for years off this site with the fantastic articles and Q&As, and really appreciate the top-notch quality…