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General Questions- Page 65 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    Dormer window insulation vs ventilation, zone 5a

    Hi,We have a vented dormer window roof made of 2x10 rafters, which had a condensation problem due to improper ventilation. The styrofoam baffles had deteriorated, and the fiberglass insulation was in…

  • Question & Answers

    NS Builders and Schluter Waterproof Shower Niche Lighting at the 2024 IBS Show

    Here's a great new product from Schluter that allows you to add waterproof lighting to their line of shower niches.

  • Question & Answers

    Matt Risinger & Team at the 2024 IBS Show

    This video contains a lot of great information on new products from Matt Risinger and his Build Show team at the 2024 International Build Show in Las Vegas. Fakro Electric Attic…

  • Question & Answers

    ability to size down when opting for cold weather heat pump

    Until recently I'd mostly heard of cold weather heat pumps being recommended for northern climates, but I'm realizing there could be a lot of benefit to them in any climate…

  • Question & Answers

    Spam email notifications

    I’m getting pounded here by notifications  of replies to a thread I subscribed to quite a while back. I don’t see this question on the first page of questions, yet…

  • Question & Answers

    Dozens of old Q&As showing up now

    In the last two hours, I've received two dozen old Q&A replies, with no new info. I'm I the only one getting these emails?The GBA website issues continue, with no…

  • Question & Answers

    Duct insulation in conditioned attic

    Hi all,I am about to install insulation on my ducts in a conditioned attic .Very air tight 4in polyiso exterior r30 batt interior zone 3, system is designed with calced…

  • Question & Answers

    Am I being too picky about flex duct? What am I not understanding?

    When shopping for a new heating system, several companies recommended tying into the current duct work and going with a heat pump instead of one-to-one minisplits. It's a 1200 square…

  • Question & Answers

    Rigid foam without logo

    I am building a small workshop. I have fiberglass batts in a vented vaulted roof. I'd like to next install rigid foam on the underside of rafters as an air barrier.…

  • Question & Answers

    Nails – steel studs thermal bridging

    Hi Friends,Search yield some results but nothing specific.finishing basement with steel studs. ( continuous EPS around ) and then the frame.only issue is bottom track for studs - I’m thinking…