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General Questions- Page 64 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    Framing the rake overhangs of a vented over-roof

    Zone 3A  - I've been investigating the feasibility of doing a chainsaw retrofit over-roof on a 1970s ranch-style house and the one thing I have had a fair amount of…

  • Question & Answers

    Writing other community members

    Is it possible to write other members in the GBA community directly?  If so, how?

  • Question & Answers

    Stack Effect with Open Access Attic and Venting

    I'm hoping someone can help answering my question since I have only a basic understanding the stack effect.Would adding mid roof venting (think CorAVent In-Vent) make the stack effect worse…

  • Question & Answers

    Roof options for mid-century modern

    I need to re-roof my mid-century modern home. It has a low-slope roof (1.5:12 pitch). The roof deck is 2x6 T&G, supported by 4x6 rafters, 4' on center. The rafters…

  • Question & Answers

    IBS 2024: Discussing the Fortified Building System with the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety

    There seems to be more and more homes destroyed each year, and one of the most common reasons are "high wind events" like tornados and hurricanes. Even if the entire…

  • Question & Answers

    Are we able to circumvent entire air interventions of complex solutions?

    I would like to skip ahead of all the partial multilegged all-in-series less-than-perfect energy performances. (ERV)What if you just cleaned the hell out of the existing air with no interchange…

  • Question & Answers

    Condensation Concerns

    I just saw a video from Steve Baczek where he explains the wall construction that he is using on one of his clients homes. is a double stud wall.…

  • Question & Answers

    Rainscreen with exterior rockwool in the WUI (Colorado)

    Hey folks, Long time lurker finally going for my first thread. Thanks in advance to everyone. I'm building a 1900sqft house in central Colorado mountains in climate zone 6B around 8600ft in…

  • Question & Answers

    Assembly Critique: Floor btwn Garage & Living Space

    Hi All, Will this assembly work for a floor separating an occasionally-heated garage/shop space from living space?CZ6, southwest MontanaSee attached PDF for floor assembly. Parameters:- Existing garage/shop outbuilding- Garage bay to be…

  • Question & Answers

    Roof Venting

    Is a roof that has a plywood deck with 3/4 furring strips on it and then another plywood layer on top with asphalt shingles considered a vented roof? The vent…