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General Questions- Page 62 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    Patio Problem

    I have a covered patio that I plan on screening in with a 30-inch knee wall. The patio slopes away from the house by about 3.5 inches. Are there any…

  • Question & Answers

    Make Up Air for Dryer

    We’re in the process of putting together plans for a new build in CZ 4. Our air sealing goal is to be under 1.0 ACH50. We tested a heat pump…

  • Question & Answers

    Should I add a second story to my cape for more space and energy efficiency?

    I have a 1973 cape cod in New Hampshire with a finished second floor. The roof is at the end of it's life, and in order to add more space…

  • Question & Answers

    Airtight drywall with aeroseal in modular houses

    It seems that the airtight drywall approach is getting popular for modular houses because they get build from inside out so there is easy access to the back side of…

  • Question & Answers

    Overhang / Window Placement / Sun Exposure modeling

    I am looking for a process/math check on the dimensions needed to sort out window placement on a south side wall. Background:House is a rectangle with 9/12 pitch roof18” raised heel…

  • Question & Answers

    Where to locate secondary air handler

    Hi All, We're building a 4400 sq ft house in CT and awaiting HVAC proposals from a few vendors. Builder's preferred vendor is proposing two Mitsu heat pumps + 2 ERVs,…

  • Question & Answers

    Adding HVAC Returns

    Does adding returns to each bedroom make sense in my case?We currently have one central return in the hallway that is hilariously undersized (14x14). It returns air through the attic…

  • Question & Answers

    how green is “reclaimed” rigid urethane foam?

    I'm looking at under slab insulation options for my workshop. The most attractive right now is from a place called instapanel, which sells "new, reclaimed" urethane panels. Cheaper than type…

  • Question & Answers

    Low VOC Open Cell Foam for Unvented Attic?

    I'd love some advice from the experts here. I am working on a remodel and we're planning to convert my attic into an unvented attic with open cell foam on…

  • Question & Answers

    Rigid foam installation question

    We are renovating a single story house with 2x4 walls and adding 1.5” foam to the exterior. We are doing “innie” windows. Unfortunately,  contractor has already installed the new windows.…