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General Questions- Page 6 of 1395

  • Question & Answers

    Waterproofing rubble foundation that extends outside building

    Hi everyone,Before starting the work on waterproofing my rubble foundation I wanted to validate some questions with the community, especially those who have experience with foundation extending outside building.Building Description:–…

  • Question & Answers

    Proper Outsulation in Climate zone 2A

    Hello all,First, Thanks for the massive resource that is this website.Second, our location is Mobile, Alabama Climate zone 2A, but urban not coastal. Still hot and humid down south. House…

  • Question & Answers

    Drip pan standing water

    I'm a first-time owner of an central ducted AC system. My condensate line is working well. I've got an emergency float switch, a trap, and adequate slope. There is no…

  • Question & Answers

    Alternatives to spray foam and Gapotape between foam board and rafter in cut and cobble insulation?

    I'm doing a cut and cobble insulation job in the roof of a 12'x16' Tuff Shed. The rafters are 2x4 and the spacing is nominally 24" OC but each bay…

  • Question & Answers

    existing slab – crawl space and insulation strategies?

    Greetings - designing a house to build on an existent slab on grade in the norther most area of coastal Maine. ASHRAE Climate Zone 6 on the water. The slab currently…

  • Question & Answers

    Ceiling condensation

    I have a client with an addition built in the late 1970's. It is one large room.The roof was built with 2x6 rafters, foil faced fiberglas insulation, skip sheathing, standing…

  • Question & Answers

    Sharing our personal build

    Hopefully this is thought some people might be interested in following along with our build. This is entirely personal, and I am not seeking to build or advertise a…

  • Question & Answers

    Sauna Floor – How to insulate without creating moisture/mold problems ?

    For an exterior sauna the typical construction method (in Europe) is a wood frame with the floor boards (usually pine or spruce T&G but I've seen oak and other woods…

  • Question & Answers

    mini split blowing tepid air no matter mode or settings

    My 6-year-old Fujitsu is blowing room temperature air. I'm not sure how long it's been doing this, because I have another unit on the floor above that is picking up…

  • Question & Answers

    Ecoflow battery with solar as a power back up?

    Spotted at Costco Ecoflow Whole House backup battery with solar panels.I asked previously about a small dual fuel backup for power outages, but have no natural gas line, so fuel…